Available FREE Items
  • Here you will find list of Selected items from our Catalog which shall be Offered for FREE
  • You can get the listed items for Free, with the purchase of any of these mentioned items available in stock.
  • The list of products that will be offered for Free will keep updated and may change often. So if you cannot see the product here which you saw in the past, then probably that has been replaced and updated.
  • The product offered as FREE, can still be purchased standalone, with its regular price, as shown.
  • Offer is available for users from selected Countries. Only shipping charges may be added on for the Item that shall be added as Free in the Cart with the applicable item, during the Checkout.
  • Subject to availability

Get any one or all of these FREE !!

Blue Zodiac Tapestry Tie Dye Celestial Wall Hanging Bohemian Twin Bedspread

Original price was: ₹410.Current price is: ₹210.

Zodiac Mandala Tapestry Twin Star Tapestries Indian Bedspread

Original price was: ₹410.Current price is: ₹210.

Sun Moon Tapestry Twin Bedspread Purple Tapestries

Original price was: ₹410.Current price is: ₹210.

Black & White Twin Tapestry Elephant Mandala Tapestries Boho

Original price was: ₹250.Current price is: ₹150.

Red Elephant Tapestry Peacock Mandala Tapestries Boho Throw

Original price was: ₹410.Current price is: ₹210.
How can I get this FREE ?

You can get the listed item for FREE, with the purchase of any one of these items.

Is there any Hidden Fees ?

This is a Real Deal and is absolutely FREE. There is NO hidden fees

How can I get assured !!

Now, this is a Real Magic. After listening to our customers and to maintain transparency, we come-up with the solution of Real time LIVE updates.
Means, once you Add any item (from the list in point 1) in your cart, with desired quantity (2 units), one of the Item shown here, will automatically be added as FREE.

But, item is showing a Price ?

Once any item (shown here) will be added in the Cart, it will be automatically tagged and shown as  FREE , in your Cart (when purchased with respective item). The price will be Removed or marked-off too. Don't believe this, just try it.
You can still buy this item on a Regular price, which is shown for Individual purchase.